Remove console screen for your gui application written in go Images of appliaction used as example is notepad plus minus. I writen as example. To get details of this program you can visit post " Simple document based application with golang " You write a GUI application and it runs with a console screen behind. It looks pretty weird, right! I mean what is the meaning of a console when console actually not going to interact with the user. GoLang Gui Application with Console Screen Don't know how this works on Mac or Linux as I have not done this on either Mac or Linux. But for windows, I find a way to compile console-less GUI application for golang. Just build the application with this argument. go build -ldflags "-H=windowsgui" ldflags used to set build time variable. Now. in the upper statement we are saying golang that current application we are building is windowsgui application so don't create the console with it. Ju