google client apis Almost every google api i have integreated with my golang projects have same step. 1. Authroize the user 2. Get the token for user 3. Get the cilent using the token 4. Make furter requset for google api using the client Google api client for golang can be get here here is the example code end of example code Now lets inspect the code what it does. Start from main function where the program starts the exection [line 94] Main function starts [line 96] We are reading the client_id.json file downloaded from the google cloud . It will have information like client_id , project_id, token_id, etc. If you don't have client_id.json create a new one. [line 103] We are reading the json file and adding the permission we want for app on using the ConfigFromJson fucntion. [line 107] We are getting the http client for the further google api requests using the getClient function. Here This function calls subfunctions [line 24] tokenCach