infinite scroll with laravel pagination and jquery Loading the content dynamically at the end of the page when user reaches the end of the page. It is quite easy to implement. So exactly what we want to do is When page loads we want to show some posts. When user scrolls we want to load more posts and append it at the end. Upper to line gives hint what we want to do, show list of some post at on page loading , when user scrolls fetch other posts via ajax and append it to the list of current post list. First Implement the code for the Controller In this function when request is simple get request it returns view with 9 latest posts. When it gets an ajax request instead of returning view it returns the compiled html of post and url for the next page in laravel pagination as the json array. When data comes as json array we have to append that rendered output in the view file. So view file will be like this. Initially setting the next-page...