You can provide partial search [ type ahead facility ] with firestore. It's not that much streight forward and also not feasible in case of large amount of data that has to support the partial search. Here is just a sample of how you provide partial search with firestore. Logic behind the search is a custom kind of indexing that enables partial search for us. You need to create a collection of documents called indexes which contains indexes generated for the fields you want to search over. First reqirement is to create every possible partial search strings. Below function returns array of the possible indexes generate after chopping out input string character by character. /* storing searchabel fields */ function _chopped_object(iString) { var searchables = {} for (i = 0; i < iString.length; i++) { var string_part = iString.substr(0, iString.length - i) searchables[string_part] = true } return searchables } Output of _chopped_o...